sit around

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sit around

更新时间:2024-06-25 01:37:22

英 [sit əˈraund]

美 [sit əˈraʊnd]

sit around基本解释



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1. be around, often idly or without specific purpose

e.g. The object sat in the corner
We sat around chatting for another hour

Synonym: sit

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 sit about

1. 闲坐着;无所事事
If you sit around or sit about, you spend time doing nothing useful or interesting.

e.g. Eve isn't the type to sit around doing nothing...
e.g. We sat about in the gloomy airport lounge.

1. sit around是什么意思

1. 无所事事:sit about 呆坐着 | sit around 无所事事 | sit at the stern 管理公共事务

2. sit around是什么意思

2. 闲坐:40.take the initiative/the first step 采取主动 | 41.sit around闲坐 | 42.blurt out 脱口而出


3. 到处闲坐,消磨时间:sigh up for参加俱乐部;注册,学习一门课程 | sit around到处闲坐,消磨时间 | sit for参加

4. 围着. . . 坐:24. do sth by hand 靠手工/亲身做某事/物 | 25.sit around... 围着. . . 坐 | one breath 一口气

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Dozens of people, many in traditional African dress, sit around not doing very much.(数十个人,许多身着非洲传统服饰,坐在那里没事做。)
They cannot sit around one table and bully each other into submission, as bankers used to do.(债仅方不能再像银行家以前那样坐在一桌子上去争个你死我活。)
I'm not going to sit around and take the blame for a mistake he made.(我不会闲坐着,为他犯的错误承担责任。)
Children sit around small tables, talking to each other.(小孩子们围坐在小桌旁,互相说着话。)
Don't sit around and do nothing for years.(不要多年就闲坐着而不做任何事情。)
He used to bring people in to sit around his deathbed talking about various matters with him.(他叫人来他到他的病榻前,和他进行各种各样的讨论。)
Does that mean I should sit around and do nothing if it all meaningless and purposeless?(既然一切都无足轻重、毫无意义,是不是说我该无所事事,什么也不要做了?)
You're not waiting for something to happen. You never sit around.(你不是在等着什么事发生,绝不会有时间闲下来的。)
In England, the children sit around tables. We sit in lines in China.(在英国,孩子围坐在桌子旁,而我们中国按列坐成行。)
Now, I'm the kind of person who loves to sit around the house in my pajamas.(我是那种喜欢穿着睡衣宅在家里的人。)
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